I have to admit, for years I didn’t think very highly of Tim Ferriss’ work and never read any of his material. The reason, the title of his first book, The 4-Hour Work Week, seemed like a scam to me. The very idea that someone was selling the idea you could achieve all your dreams and aspirations working only four hours a week smelled like snake oil, so I avoided it. Fast forward a few years and while looking for a way to lose some weight and get back into shape I was gifted a copy of The 4 Hour Body, Tim’s book focused on health and fitness. What I found, instead of snake oil, was thoroughly researched, documented and tested information of how to achieve massive improvements in one;s level of health and fitness. I also found what is to me the absolute best and easiest to follow diet plan, the Slow Carb diet. Following Slow Carb eating easily I lost 30 Lbs. Needless to say I became a fan (and yes, you should read the 4-Hour Work Week. I was wrong).
Now Tim Ferriss has a new book out: Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World Class Performers, and it’s another winner. Broken down into three sections – Healthy, Wealthy and Wise, everyone will find something of value in it they can takeaway and apply to their life. Yes, it is that good. Excerpted below is the review I recently posted on Amazon. If you’re a book reader, and you should be, get the book and read it. Each section is composed of short chapters focused on one of the people interviewed on the Tim Ferriss Podcast so, even if you’re not a big reader you can tackle this one. If you’re not a reader I suggest listening to the Podcast because, IMHO, is is one of the best out there. If you only have time to listen to one make it this one. Okay, enough praise.
now here is my review. You can read it on Amazon here – Tools of Titans
First off, a warning, reading this book in conjunction with your phones’ Amazon app can be hazardous to your bank account. You will want to own some of the cool toys Tim recommends and, if you’re not careful, you can spend some money. Now the good news, the book is easy to read, fun and packed from cover to cover with tips, tricks and advice others have used to get to the top of their fields. No matter what you’re goals are you will find something of value here.
Someone once told me the perfect book to write would be titled, “How to Get Laid, Get Paid and Live Forever”, as those are the top three things people are truly interested in and want to know. While that book doesn’t exist (I haven’t found it), “Tools for Titans” is the next best thing. Divided into three sections – Healthy, Wealthy and Wise, the book is a collection of short chapters, each covering the high points and best advice given by the various guests Tim has interviewed on his Podcast. If you already listen to his Podcast, this book is the perfect companion guide, especially if you’re the type to act on what you’ve learned. With the book, you won’t have to constantly go back to the show notes for links and recommendations.
While the book comes from the Podcast, you don’t have to be a listener to get a lot out of it. In fact, the book is a great intro to the show, which I highly recommend by the way, as you can use it as a guide to select the episodes that best apply to your particular situation and interests. No book is for everyone but if you’re focused on reaching for excellence or simply want to learn how others have achieved success, you will want to get and read this book. I highly recommend this book to friends, family people striving for more out of life.
I hope you pick up and read the book. If you get some value from it please leave a comment below.